What is a protagonist? The protagonist basically means the positive character in the story. Who do you think the protagonist of "The Yellow WallPaper" is? Well I believe the protagoinst of "The Yellow Wallpaper" is Jane, also known as Gilman. It is Jane because she is starting to realize what is happening to her. Jane is strongly realizing what the "Yellow Wallpaper" really is. She loses the touch with the outer world, she comes to a greater understanding of the inner reality of her life. This inner/outer reality is the key to understanding the nature of the narrator’s suffering (p.8). At every point, she is faced with relationships, objects, and situations that seem innocent and natural but that are actually quite bizarre and even oppressive. As we look back in the story it says, "But I know she was studying that pattern, and I determined That nobody shall find it out but myself!." This is saying Jane is slowly declining into her own reflection. We see that the Jane is imaginative, highly expressive woman (p.9). She remembers the terrifying stuff that happended to her as a child, and she enjoys the belief that the house they have taken is haunted. I believe Jane is the protagonist because she is not only the positive person in the story, she is ahead of everyone in the story. She is understanding and realizing what is happening. She is writing the story about what happened to her in the 1800's. She mostly writes about her depression and "The Yellow Wallpaper". The wallpaper represents the protagonist mind set during this time.
Links to sources
These sources were valuable to me because it gave me the definiton of protagonist and it gave me some information on Jane being the protagonist of the story.

In this picture, Gilman is starting to understand her inner reality.
These sources were valuable to me because it gave me the definiton of protagonist and it gave me some information on Jane being the protagonist of the story.
In this picture, Gilman is starting to understand her inner reality.
Definiton of Category
Protagoinist is the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.
Mark, i really liked this piece and i really like all the evidence you pulled out of The Yellow Wallpaper. Also, i liked how you started with a question because it was well executed. I found that the links that you included to be very helpful so good job with those. Finally, I just want to let you know that a lot of people used that picture so you could look for another one.
ReplyDeleteI really liked all of the information you included about "The Yellow Wallpaper". Your picture is great and very creative. I also agree that Jane is the protagonist of the story. Once again, about your in-text citations, you do not have to put the p before the page number. Only put the number of the page that you got the information from.